Take care of your information on the net

In today’s article in Abogados Cabo we will talk about Cyber Fraud. Cyber fraud is known as those scams that use the network to make illicit transactions.

Many times the people who carry out this type of fraud, take advantage of the lack of knowledge or the lack of care that people have when using online financial services, becoming an easy target for fraudsters.

Spam mail

Cyber Fraud

Also known as SPAM, this is a message sent to several recipients who usually did not request it, for advertising or commercial purposes.

The information in such mail invites you to visit a page or download a file that is usually a virus that steals information from your device.

How to avoid it?

  • Install a good antivirus on your computer or mobile device.
  • Do not “click” or open suspicious links.
  • If you download applications, do it through official stores and developers.


In this type of fraud, SMS messages are sent to your cell phone with the purpose of getting you to visit a fraudulent web page. The purpose of this is to obtain your banking information in order to make transactions on your behalf.


Cyber Fraud

Also known as identity theft, in this type of fraud the objective is to impersonate a Financial Institution, with a message indicating an error in your bank account, and when you enter your data, they obtain your confidential information such as: credit card numbers, passwords, bank account information, passwords, etc.

Hold on! If you fall into the trap, with your data they can make purchases or apply for credit in your name, make transfers and even empty your accounts. Remember that the people who carry out this type of fraud are skillful and trick you with alarmist tactics or urgent requests to worry you and prevent you from thinking the situation through.

There is also telephone phishing (vishing), where criminals pretend to be employees of an institution and generally convince you by telling you that your accounts are registering irregular charges or that they require some information, avoid giving them your data and call the financial institution directly to corroborate the information.

  • Arrives in mass mailings.
  • They use the official image of a financial institution.
  • They tell you that there is something wrong with your account and that you need to update your information.
  • There is a link that directs you to a fake site.
  • They ask for your personal and financial information.
  • Sometimes they even ask for your token digits.

How to avoid it?

  • Never give your information by email.
  • Companies and banks will NEVER ask you for your financial data or credit card numbers by phone or internet, when you are not the one initiating a transaction.
  • If you are still in doubt about the email, call or visit your bank and verify the facts.


Cyber Fraud

It consists of redirecting you to a fake website through pop-up windows, to steal your information. They usually display a similar caption to this one: Congratulations, you are the one millionth visitor, click here to claim your prize!

How to avoid it?

  • Do not click on suspicious pages or respond to e-mails that claim to have won a prize, trip or sweepstakes, since they usually ask for your personal information before granting you the supposed prize.
  • Verify that the site you are surfing has the security protocol “https://” and a closed padlock in the address bar.

Do you need a lawyer?

Are you in Baja California Sur, Mexico? Todos Santos, Los Cabos, La Paz, Loreto, San Jose Del Cabo, Los Cabos, El Pescadero? Are you in Nuevo Leon, Mexico? Apodaca, Cadereyta Jiménez, El Carmen, García, San Pedro Garza García, General Escobedo, Guadalupe, Juárez, Monterrey, Salinas Victoria, San Nicolás de los Garza, Santa Catarina and Santiago… 

At Law In Cabo we seek to satisfy the different legal needs of our clients, both in their business and personal matters. Contact us at: (+52)8119384461, where we will gladly advise you.

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