Commercial Partnership Lawyer

Legal advice for the formation, fusion, division, transformation, dissolution, and termination of commercial partnerships. undefined The construction and interpretation of contracts, the procedures for the formation, fusion, division, transformation, dissolution and termination of commercial partnerships. undefined The acquisition, loss of nationality and its consequences. undefined The transfer of assets to foreign jurisdictions and the effects thereof in the Dominican Republic. undefined Other services such as: legal representation in arbitration or court disputes in relation to commercial matters, advising on any commercial matter, advising on company law, representing a client before labor tribunals or disciplinary proceedings concerning professional activity. undefined

The provision of legal services related to intellectual property rights as defined by Law No. 105-1999 and its regulations: collection of royalties on intellectual property rights, any other services related to the protection of industrial and literary property rights. undefinedThe provision of legal services related to patents and industrial designs as defined by Law No. 105-1999 and its regulations: collection of royalties on patents and industrial designs, any other services related to the patenting process. undefinedThe provision of legal services related to trademarks as defined by Decree No. 1345-98-HDC dated October 29th, 1998, which regulates the protection of trademarks: collection of royalties on trademarks, any other services related to the registration or protection of trademarks. undefinedThe provision of legal services related to marks of geographical origin as defined by Law No. 105-1999 and Decree No. 1345-98-HDC dated October 29th, 1998, which regulates the protection of marks of geographical origin: collection of royalties on marks of geographical origin, any other services related to the registration or protection of marks of geographical origin. undefinedThe provision of legal

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