Law Blog

domestic violence

What should be done in case of domestic violence in Mexico?

At Abogados Cabo we know that domestic violence in Mexico is a fact that happens more frequently than most people think. As of 2019, family violence or domestic violence as it is known in other countries, had historically registered the highest number in Mexico with 239,219 cases, according to data from the Executive Secretariat of …

What should be done in case of domestic violence in Mexico? Read More »

full custody

How can I ask for full custody of my child in Mexico?

At Abogados Cabo we know that divorce with children involves two terms that are often confused and that we must make clear before touching on the main topic of the article. These concepts are parental authority and guardianship and custody. Parental authority When we talk about parental authority we refer to the obligations and responsibilities …

How can I ask for full custody of my child in Mexico? Read More »

adoption process

What is the adoption process like and how long does it take in Mexico?

At Abogados Cabo we know that assuming the upbringing of children who are not biologically conceived is an initiative loaded with a lot of purpose and love. The prospective parents will have to go through a preliminary process that will serve as a mutual preparation, demonstrating the true desire to be parents. The adoption process …

What is the adoption process like and how long does it take in Mexico? Read More »

What is the difference between Robbery and Theft in Mexico?

In today’s article of Abogados Cabo we will talk about the difference between Robbery and Theft. When we talk about robbery and theft in Mexico, the first thing we imagine is a wrongdoer taking a person’s precious property, so most may think that the intention that accompanies both terms is the same, “to deprive another …

What is the difference between Robbery and Theft in Mexico? Read More »

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